STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT!!! A case of Arsenal and Man U!!


#zimbabweaccounting STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT!!! A case of Arsenal and Man U!! over the past to weeks there has been an interesting phenomena in our beloved world of ENGLISH football ( mark the emphasis). i drew strategic lessons for any business in stakeholder management.

  1. know your stakeholders
  2. Rank your stakeholders ( fans are not apparently NOT peripheral)
  3. Introspect on your bussiness objectives (Profit maximisation)
  4. Compare your (profit maximisation) objectives with those of your key stakeholders (winning matches)
  5. as a board ascertain of these varied objectives can be synced and made one. I think you can win matches and be profitable.
  6. it is only after all these questions have been asked that congruency can be achieved and peace maintained.

The objectives of the owners of these important clubs seem to have IGNORED a significant stakeholder (the Fan base, Former players and Wealthy fans) i wont comment on the nationalistic aspect of the game it being ENGLISH kkk. but every company does well in analysing its stakeholders and managing them well. at least now nomatter which side of the fence you sit the reality is games were postponed and revenue was lost and obviously no one won yesterday.